
I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Friday morning, the 16th of June, 2023 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.  

“And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all,…”  
2 Timothy 2:24

We need to be more gentle with one another in the world today, don’t you agree? It is actually one of the fruits of the Spirit. Galatians 5:23 tells us that, 

“gentleness and self-control, against such there is no law.” 

We need to be gentle with one another. Now, some of us think that you become gentle by deciding in your mind that you are going to be a gentle person, some maybe believe if we do certain Bible courses we will become gentle and others will say, “Well, we will have to work at it because that is what we desire.” No, no, that won’t help at all. It's not something we read about or even something we think about. No, we have to put the flesh down if we want to be gentle. We have to go through the crushing process, we have to go to the Cross, that's right, the Cross of crucifixion. You will never smell the scent of a rose unless you crush the petal. You will never taste the pure sweet juice of an orange unless the orange is crushed. We have to go to Gethsemane. Now, the word, “Gethsemane” is a Hebrew word that literally means, “the olive press.” It's where they used to crush the olives to get the olive oil out. We really need to be prepared to let the Lord crush us if we want to become gentle. 

We had an old lady who stayed with us for many, many years. She was an intercessor. Her name was Aunty Peggy. Aunty Peggy exhibited a spirit of gentleness like I have seen in very few people but she had been through a lot of pain and suffering mentally and spiritually. She had one leg amputated at the knee from sugar diabetes. She had blood pressure problems and many other scars from the battle of life. But I want to tell you something now, I have very rarely met a person, who was one of the most gentle people. I used to love to go and sit with her and we would talk. She wouldn’t do much talking, she did the listening, and I did all the talking, but she pervaded in such a beautiful spirit of gentleness. When you left her house you felt absolute peace. 

So today, ask the Lord Jesus Christ to give you a spirit of gentleness but then you must be prepared to go through the school of hard knocks.

Jesus bless you and goodbye. 

Angus Buchan