I Believe in Miracles

“Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” Luke 9:1-2

The Lord has given us a job to do. If we go to Acts 3:6 - what a beautiful scripture:

“Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”

The Lord has called you and me to go out into all the world, to preach the Gospel to the poor, lay hands upon the sick and watch them recover. To drive out demons and to give people the love of God. If ever this world needed love, it is now. What about you and me today? You might say, “Well, Angus, I am not qualified. I don’t have a degree in theology.” - Neither do I.
“I am not a pastor!” Neither am I.
But what have you got? You see, Peter and John said to the poor man, “We don’t have any money but what we do have is the power of God”, and laid their hands on the lame man and he got up and walked.

I believe in miracles. Do you know, yesterday I saw three miracles here at Shalom. In the morning, I had to meet a couple at 10 o’clock. They walked into the room and they were looking quite bashful. They were both engaged, a middle-aged couple - They had lost their spouses and they sat there and they spoke for a while. I said to the gentleman, “Are you engaged to this lady.” He said, “Yes, I am.” I said, “Are you intending to get married?” He said, “Of course, I am.” I said, “When?” He said, “Soon”.
I said, “How about now?” And they looked at each other and the lady blushed. And he said, “Well, why not?” I said, “Go and sit in the chapel and I will be with you in about half an hour, and I want you to pray together and seek the Face of the Lord.”

And then another family came to see me, they have the most beautiful son. His name is Jarrod, and Jarrod has got all the Snowy books and Jarrod loves Uncle Angus, he came to see me. He is autistic. I saw this little boy, what a lovely child, what a godly child! His mother and dad love him so much. They have got so much patience for him and his mother said in a very emotional way, “Uncle Angus, do you know that Jarrod can recite the complete Psalm 91?”

I said, “What?” And he started - Folks, I want to tell you without a slip, he recited the whole of Psalm 91. And she said, “ And Psalm 23”, and we prayed together.

And then just after that, another miracle happened. An old couple came in who are missionaries in India. They are Indians, they live in South Africa and they go over every year. This man is well into his seventies. He had a stroke but he is going back to preach the Gospel.

Go out today and God will use you.
Have a wonderful day, God bless you.

Angus Buchan