On The Mountain

Then Peter answered and said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah
— Mark 9:5

We are talking about the Mount of Transfiguration where our Heavenly Father came down and met with His Son, Jesus. Moses and Elijah were also standing by. Peter wanted to stay up on the mountain with Jesus in a safe place but after Jesus had spoken with Elijah and Moses and His Heavenly Father, He took the three disciples, Peter, James and John back down the mountain into the valley again.

Now, in the valley, that is where all the sick people were, the fearful people - that is where all the challenges of this tired old world are to be found, not on the mountain. So what we say is - First the mountain and then the ministry. Yes, we need to get away and we need to rest but we cannot stay there forever. The lost and the hurting, the sick and the weary, the widows and orphans are in the valley. That is where we are needed.

After Jesus’s resurrection, He met Peter on the shores of Lake Galilee and He asked Peter three questions. Three times He said: “Peter do you love me?” And three times Peter said to Jesus: “Lord, You know I love you.”

And then the Lord said to Peter:

“Feed My sheep.” John 21:17

You and I need to roll up our sleeves and we need to get dirty and get back in the fight and to help the poor. You say, “But, Angus, I am tired. I have been let down, I have been misunderstood - I am tired of the church.” We are the church, you and me, and we do make mistakes. It does get dirty but that is where God has put us. We need to shine in the darkness - It is very easy to go up that mountain and to sit in the presence of God, It is a beautiful place. It’s my favourite place but that is not where the people are. The people are in the world and they need you and me to love them, to wash their dirty feet and to walk with them in the darkness.

God bless you as you have a good rest today up on the mountain - that’s right and get ready for Monday morning.

God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan