Jesus Never Changes

“For with God, nothing will be impossible.
— Luke 1:37

At Shalom, we say one genuine miracle equals a thousand sermons. Why - Because you can’t argue with a miracle, you can see it.

“So the man of God said, “Where did it fall?” And he showed him the place. So he cut off a stick, and threw it in there; and he made the iron float. Therefore he said, “Pick it up for yourself.” So he reached out his hand and took it.” 2 Kings 6:6-7

Can iron float? No, but with God nothing is impossible. You see, the man was cutting a tree down and the axe head flew off and landed in the middle of the Jordan River, and he was very concerned because it wasn’t his axe. He asked Elisha, the great man of faith to please help him and Elisha made the axe head float on the top of the water.

What are you believing Jesus to do for you today?
You say: “Not very much.” - Well, then you won’t get very much. We have got to exercise our faith. A few years back, we got a distressing phone call that there was a farmer in the North West of South Africa. His first name is Job and he asked if we could pray for him because he was losing his farm because of a persistent drought. We were kindly flown up in a private plane to his farm... The dairy cattle were in a bad shape. There was dust everywhere, the dams were bone dry. I want to say to you there is nothing worse than a drought.

So we agreed to go up and pray for rain, otherwise, that man would have lost his beautiful farm. I remember the story, in fact, I shared it with you just a while ago... Where Elijah took salt and sweetened the water of Jericho.

I took a couple of kilos of course salt in a bag with me on the plane and when we got to his farm, I asked him if we could pray with all his staff, his family and his neighbours. I took that salt and I poured it down the windmill. We then had tea and tasty food - You know what farmers are like, very gracious people. It was a beautiful set-up!

We flew back home and a short while later we got a phone call. A few days later and there had been a flood on that farm - We have got the photographs to show you... Part of the road was washed away. That beautiful empty dam was overflowing with God-given rain. Jesus never changes!

Trust Him today for your miracle and He will not fail you.
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan