A Faithful Witness

I greet you in Jesus' precious Name. It is Monday morning, the 10th of July 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a Thought for Today. We start with Colossians 3:17:

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

You and I need to be Jesus to a dying world. We need to magnify Him alone, just like the moon reflects the sun and is known as the faithful witness in the sky (Psalm 89:37). You see, the moon doesn't shine; the moon simply acts as a reflector of the sun. When you see a full moon in the middle of the night, it is because the sun is shining on the moon. 

You and I need to reflect our best friend, Jesus, to a lost and desperate world. We are to introduce people to Him and to make them hearers from God and not to draw them and make them dependent on us. We've got to be just like John the Baptist. That's what he did. He said in the book of John 3:30, he says: "He must increase, but I must decrease". 

Folks, I want to say something to you; I have had the privilege of meeting and sitting under the ministry of a lot of internationally well-known speakers around the world. But I want to tell you about an old gentleman that portrayed Jesus to me more than any of them. I'll just call him Reverend Tom; that was his first name. Reverend Tom came to our little town of Greytown. He was quite an old man. He came with his dear wife Gladys. They came from Yorkshire, England. He was bald-headed, he was quite heavily overweight, and he wasn't the greatest of preachers, but I just used to love going to visit Reverend Tom. Do you know why? Because I saw Jesus in him. He would make me sit down. He would insist that I would have a cup of tea, and I knew he was very busy. And he wanted to know all about what I was doing, how my family was. He wasn't a great theologian; he didn't come with great doctrinal things, no, no, he just wanted to know how the farm was, how is the crop looking, how your cattle this year? He always turned the conversation away from himself and to me and then, of course, ultimately to the Lord Jesus Christ. I really miss him. He had one of the biggest impacts on my life as a believer today. 

You and I, ordinary people, just need to tell people about your Savior, Jesus Christ. That's all they want. Maybe just an arm around their shoulders, and maybe just to weep with them when they are very sad, laugh with them when they are very happy, and rejoice with them when they have just succeeded. And you will draw more people to Christ that way than any fancy sermon. 

Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day. Goodbye.

Angus Buchan