Pray with Faith

I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Monday morning, the 26 of June 2023, and this is your friend Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

Then Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road."
Mark 10:51-52

Do you see just before, that the crowd told Bartimaeus, the blind man, to keep quiet because he was desperate and was shouting, asking Jesus to help him? Desperation makes us pray prayers of faith. If we are concerned about what people think about us if, we are concerned about offending others, I want to tell you now your prayers will never be answered. When you pray you have to pray, believing that you will receive that which you are asking for...

I remember it like yesterday, many of you know my story - it's in the movie Faith Like Potatoes - When we had that horrific fire on this farm. I was still a young man and I had very little firefighting equipment. I call on the neighbours and, as always happens with farmers, they came running to help me. But the fire would not go out, it was a burning Inferno. I felt the Holy Spirit - by the way, I was a brand new Christian, only known the Lord barely a year - I got on my knees in the dust, in front of everybody, my workers on the farm and I prayed: "Lord send the rain. Please, Lord take this mountain away - I'm speaking to the mountain..." and you know something, the wind dropped the clouds came up from the South and gentle rain started falling on that fire and put it out.

Today I don't know what it is you are struggling, with my dear friend, but speak to your mountain, in the Lord. Cry out to the Lord, like Bartimaeus did and you will be very surprised when you see how the Lord will come to your rescue... as he has to me many times.

Jesus bless you today, as you walk by Faith and not by sight

Angus Buchan