A Soft Word

I greet you in Jesus' precious name. It is Sunday morning the 7th of May 2023 and this is your friend Angus Buchan with the thought for today. We start in Proverbs 15:18:

"A soft answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger."

Then we go to James 3:10:

"Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My Brethren these things ought not to be so."

You know, a very dear friend of mine sent me a little message on his phone, called the last Pamphlet. It's the story of a little eleven-year-old boy who was handing out Christian pamphlets on a cold rainy day and after he had handed out all his pamphlets, about two hours later, he was soaking wet. His clothes were absolutely saturated - He had one pamphlet left, so he went and knocked on the door of a house because there was nobody in the street to hand out another pamphlet to.

He pressed the bell, there was no answer... Eventually he knocked and knocked as he was just about to leave, the door opened and an old lady put her head out from the side of the door and said: "Can I help you little boy?" He said: "Maam, I just wanted to tell you (with a big smile on his face) that Jesus loves you very much and I want to give you a pamphlet that will tell you all about Him and His great love for you."

That soft, gentle greeting on that cold miserable day saved an old lady's life - You see, she was in the process of committing suicide because she was so lonely. Nobody came to see her, her old husband had died a couple of years beforehand but that little wet smiling face, standing at the door with a gentle soft loving word of Jesus, literally saved her life. A week later she gave testimony in church that she is now following Jesus Christ because there was a little boy, a little angel, who came to see her and told her about Jesus - She was no longer lonely.

Today, go out and give a sweet, gentle comment of encouragement to someone... It might even save a life!
Jesus bless you a goodbye

Angus Buchan