Shalom Peace

I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Wednesday morning, the 9th of August, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day. 

We start in the First Book of Corinthians 14:33: 

"For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints."  

The author of peace and not of confusion! We do not see Jesus rushing around anywhere in the Bible. He never did that. He was always telling His disciples to come and rest awhile, "Come and sit down". In fact, He did the opposite of rushing around, Jesus was always filled with the peace of His Father. Often his disciples would be looking for Him, "The crowds, the multitudes have arrived, Lord, where have You been?", "I have been up the mountain. I have been waiting to get a word from My Father." This morning, we need to slow down and stop rushing around.  

Now this applies to me just as much as any of you. "Shalom" was the standard greeting when entering a person's house, anywhere in the Bible. "The peace of God be with you." It is so beautiful to enter into a home that is filled with the shalom of God, isn't it? It's like a sweet-smelling fragrance. One does not feel rushed, you don't feel out of place, you feel really welcome, and there is no anxiousness, no stress, no pressure to hurry up.

I want to say to you, gentlemen, leave all that stuff at work. When you come home, you must convey the peace of Jesus to your family, especially your little children. They are so stressed out by this world we are living in anyway, and when dad comes home, they can see him walk into the house and there is security, love, strength and peace that has come home. Mom, it is so important when dad walks into the house to feel the love and the peace of Jesus. I love it when my wife goes into the garden and gets a little bunch of flowers and sometimes puts them in my prayer room. It touches me more than if somebody was to give me a whole fistful of money. You can't buy peace.  

I read something written by the evangelist, Billy Graham. It goes like this,

"Peace-making is a noble vocation, but you can no more make peace in your own strength than a mason can build a wall without a trowel, a carpenter build a house without a hammer, or an artist paint a picture without a brush. You must have the proper equipment. To be a peace-maker, you must know the Peace-Giver. To make peace on earth, you must know the peace of heaven. You must know Him who is our peace."

Is Jesus your peace today? Well, then, go out and share it with others.

Have a wonderful day,
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan