A Hungry Begger

And a very good morning to you!

It is Monday morning the 24th of January 2022, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“He first found his own brother Simon, (Simon Peter) and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus.”

John 1:41

What is evangelism? Evangelism is one hungry beggar showing another hungry beggar where he can find bread - That is all it is, nothing else. That is exactly what Andrew did, he brought his brother, Peter, and introduced him to Jesus. You can’t do it without zeal and belief. You see, unless you have been hungry yourself, you will never understand what it means to show somebody some bread.

We have to just keep on telling folk what Jesus means to us. That is what Gypsy Smith said when he was preaching off the back of his painted wagon in the fields... A worn-out preacher came and said, “I have preached everything from Genesis to Revelation, I am worn-out.” Gypsy said, “Just keep telling people what Jesus means to you.”

Billy Bray, the Cornish tin-miner, a tough boy - he met Jesus, he was introduced to the King of Kings! He wanted his fellow miners to be saved as well. So he would stand on a wall in the village square on a Saturday morning, and preach his heart out. One day one of his former drinking buddies came to him and said, “If you don’t shut up I am going to punch you.” He kept on preaching. His friend hit him so hard, he knocked Billy off the wall. Billy got up, nose bleeding and spitting out teeth, got back on the wall and told him the same story again. He said, “Billy if you don’t shut up, I am going to knock you out” and he hit him again. The third time Billy got up on that wall... I tell you what, the blood was flowing, but he was so full of love for his friend. His friend just broke down and wept and knelt at the foot of the wall, “Billy, tell me about your Savior!” And he led him to Christ.

Have you seen that movie, “Ordinary people’? I hope you have - It is the story of Mighty Men. One of those stories, a true story, is about a highjacker who tried to highjack two men coming to the Mighty Men Conference. They were in Cape Town and he shot at them and missed them. They overpowered him, they were big, tough policemen and what did they do? They handcuffed him to the back of the pick-up. It was a double-cab and they brought him to the Mighty Men Conference. And what happened - That highjacker got gloriously saved and the last I heard, he was preaching the Gospel in Gugulethu, a township in Cape Town.

Go out today and introduce somebody to Jesus, the King of Kings.

God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan