Take God At His Word

A very good morning to you - I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Thursday morning, the 5th of January, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

Take God at His word! 

“So the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went his way.”  
John 4:50

Without faith, it is impossible to please the Lord. You will find that in Hebrews 11:6. Even the disciples in Luke 17:5 said, “Lord, please increase our faith.” We must believe that the thing we are praying for will take place. I firmly believe that when you pray, you ask the Lord once and then after that you start to thank Him by faith for the outcome of your prayer. Remember, Jesus can hear you very clearly. Isaiah 59:1 says His hand is not shortened, that it cannot save and His ear is not heavy, that it cannot hear. Don’t waste your time praying if you do not believe it will happen. In fact, that kind of prayer will actually weaken your faith. You see, Abraham was a man of great faith. Romans 4:20 says: 

Abraham staggered not at the promises of God through unbelief but remained strong in faith, giving glory to the Lord. 

Prayer is simply taking God at His word. We need to have faith like potatoes! Yes, you remember the story? Well, I want to tell you, it grew my faith like nothing else ever had up to that point. I was standing on a platform at a rugby stadium in Durban, South Africa. We had heard that a terrible drought, El Niño was coming upon our land, and in defiance, I said, “To hell with El Niño. I am going back home and I am going to plant potatoes, and I don’t even have irrigation. I am going to trust the Lord that He will send enough rain to grow 10 hectares of potatoes." I did it, God answered my prayers and we had our potatoes. I want to pray for you today that God will increase your faith so that your prayer time will become more powerful.

Heavenly Father,

I want to pray for my friend listening to this message right now. He may be doubting the future, doubting the ability to succeed. Lord, I pray that You will increase His faith, increase her faith to believe You for the impossible. Now faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, (Romans 10:17). I pray that my dear friend, Lord, will start to pray, believing that You will answer that prayer. 

I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

God bless you and have a wonderful day,


Angus Buchan