The Lord Will Provide

A very good morning to you - I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Tuesday morning, the 3rd of January, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“And Abraham called the name of the place, The-Lord-Will-Provide; as it is said to this day, “In the Mount of the Lord it shall be provided.” 
Genesis 22:14 

"Our God will supply all of our needs according to His riches in Heaven by Christ Jesus, our Lord."  
Philippians 4:19

The Lord says He will provide your needs, not your wants. You see, Abraham was an obedient man - that is why Jesus loved Him so much. The Lord said, “I want Isaac, I want your son back. I want you to offer him up as a living sacrifice on Mount Moriah,” and that is exactly what he did. He tied his son up. He put him on the sacrifice and was about to cut his throat, when the Angel of the Lord said, “No - stop, stop, it's okay, there is a ram caught in the thicket. Take the ram and use that as your sacrifice.” God was so pleased with the love that Abraham had for Him. 

As we commence this brand-new year of 2023, we must not become fearful, we must not stress. Jesus shall provide for us, just like He provided the ram in the thicket for Abraham.

George Muller, a German theologian came to England and got saved in a little Bible study. He wanted to show the world what the Lord can do through faith in Him. He believed that God wanted him to take care of all the little street urchins, the little orphans running around the streets of England, so he started to take care of them by faith. He never asked for a penny, and so the story goes, when he started he had a boarding house and the children all got together. They had their last meal - maybe that is your case, maybe you need a job today, maybe you need healing in your family today. Maybe you need God, Jehovah Jireh to provide for you. 

The next morning George Muller got up. The children knew that the larder was empty. There was no food in the house. He said, “Children, lay the table.” They laid the table. He sat down. He said, “Let's say grace” - the grace that you and I say so many times, “For what we are about to receive (the children thought Uncle George had lost his marbles) may the Lord make us truly thankful.” And with that, there was a knock on the door. He sent one of the children to the door. A baker was standing outside the door with a red face, quite embarrassed. He said, “Please forgive me but the Lord woke me up at three this morning and told me I had to bake fresh bread for your children." They were so grateful. They were about to eat when there was another knock on the door. He sent another child to the door and an embarrassed dairyman was standing outside. He said, “I was just riding past on my horse and my little carriage and the wheel broke on the back. I have got butter, cheese and milk and I know it's going to go off. Would you like to have it?” George Muller said, “Of course, thank you very much.”

God bless you today as you remember, Jesus is your provider!

Angus Buchan