Saturated with God

“Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Let prayer become a lifestyle for you and me... It has to be a mental attitude of prayerfulness, that’s right! Continued, personal fellowship with God, being conscious of His presence in our lives, throughout the whole day. That is what will make us strong. I never judge a person on how well they can preach or how successful they might be in business, or even their giftings. Whether it be music, sport or whatever, what I want to hear is them pray. When I meet somebody, I normally ask them to have a word of prayer please, and I can judge by that prayer just how close they are with God.

Many years ago, I used to do weight-lifting. When we came into the gym and we wanted to greet each other, we never shook hands. I used to take a hold of that muscle on his shoulder and determining the thickness of that muscle, would tell me how strong my opponent was!

Prayer is what we need. We need to be steadfast in these times because we don’t know what the future holds. There is extreme uncertainty. Last week a little band of believers came to see me at the farm. They came from the Netherlands, Holland - boys and girls, moms and dads. They are believing for a revival in their nation of Holland. They gave me a little gift, a book, The History of the Moravian Church. It is about a revival that started hundreds of years ago and it started by prayer - That's right! They started to have a prayer watch. They decided to pray every single hour of the day, taking shifts one hour at a time. That prayer meeting lasted, listen, wait for it... 100 years! If we want to see change, we have got to get on our knees and we have got to pray without ceasing.

We have got to pray in our pick-ups; we have got to pray in our motorcars; we have got to pray on the way to school, on the way to church; we have got to pray in the fields, in the mines, in the business and houses. Then we will see a change, first of all in our families, then our government, and then in the nation. I want to encourage you today to become a praying man, woman, boy and a praying girl. Moms and dads we need to pray.

Businessmen - you need to start with prayer in the morning if you want your business to succeed. Farmers, we need to pray before we start working in the early morning.

We need to pray for revival, a people saturated with God.
Have a wonderful week - God bless you.

Angus Buchan