
“For with God nothing will be impossible.” Luke 1:37

Do you believe in miracles - Yes you do? So do I!

Remember, a young maiden who had never known a man fell pregnant. You say it is impossible but the Archangel Gabriel disagrees, he says that all things are possible with God.

What are you trusting the Lord for today?
You see, any doctor will tell you it is impossible for a woman to fall pregnant without knowing a man. What about that 90-year-old woman conceiving and having a beautiful baby? Her husband was 100 years old, you say: “That is impossible.” No, it is not. The baby’s name was Isaac, his mother’s name was Sarah and her husband was Abraham. That is a documented fact with evidence to follow... You see, Mary’s baby was Jesus and Sarah’s baby was Isaac.

What are you trusting God for today? What do you expect Him to do for you? You know, He is a miracle-working God and He has never changed. Hebrews 13:8, says He is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. There is hope for you and me.

I remember that huge prayer meeting we had in Bloemfontein in 2017, when they were taking the platform down, one of the guys who was working on the scaffolding started to weep. His friend said, “Why are you crying?” He said, “Come and look here!” There was a huge optic cable that was taking the sound and the picture out to the stations, 17 of them by the way... Almost 2 kilometres long, to the huge screens and banks of speakers. But when they had erected the platform which was about three storeys high, a beam had fallen on top of this optic fibre cable which cannot be bent. It was formed in the form of an “S” totally destroyed and yet the picture and the sound was perfect. Oh yes, I believe in miracles!

I want to say to you today again, there is nothing impossible for God. Trust the Lord for your miracle today and He will come through for you. He will not disappoint you. I can promise you that.

Have a wonderful day, God bless you.

Angus Buchan