Our Focus

“You ran well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth?”
Galatians 5:7

You ran well - Who has deceived you? You were running superbly - Who cut you off? You were leading, doing an excellent job, who led you off the course, causing you to take your eyes off Jesus and put your eyes on something else? Just a little yeast turns the whole loaf of bread.

If we look at 1 Corinthians Paul says:

“But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.”
1 Corinthians 9:27

We must walk the talk. We must hold the course... You and I must not deviate to the left nor the right. I was watching the Olympic Games and I was watching those gymnasts. I love to see the absolute focus and discipline these young men and women have, is quite superb.

Our salvation is not in social distancing, our salvation is not in wearing masks, it is not even the vaccine - Our salvation is in Jesus Christ alone! Now, before you think I am going down the wrong road, I want to reassure you Romans 13 says we must obey the authorities. We must obey them but our concentration, our hope, our peace is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ - in Him alone!

My brother was a professional golfer, he told me a story once about a major championship. The golfer was on the 18th green, he was putting for one of the biggest trophies in the world. As he lined up that ball and was about to strike, a train went passed and the driver of the train blew the hooter so loud. The golfer putted the ball and it went straight into the hole. Afterwards, when he received his trophy in front of all the people, the organizers came to him and said, “We are so sorry and we want to apologize for distracting you as you were going to put the final ball to win the championship”. The bemused golfer looked up and he said, “What distraction?” He never even heard the hooter going off because he was focused.

We need to discipline ourselves today, we need to focus on the Lord Jesus Christ and He will see us home.

Have a wonderful day.
God bless you.

Angus Buchan