Work Hard

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Monday morning, the 5th of June, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

We start in the Book of Proverbs

“The lazy man buries his hand in the bowl;
It wearies him to bring it back to his mouth.”
The lazy man is wiser in his own eyes
Than seven men who can answer sensibly.”
Proverbs 26:15-16

You know, I don’t think there is anything more despised than a lazy man or woman or boy or girl. There are no excuses for laziness. I am not talking about someone who is physically sick and cannot get out of his bed to work. I am not talking about that. I am not talking about a man who is maybe physically impaired where he can’t walk, but even a man like that can find work. I might be talking to a man who cannot find a job, I want to say to you, get out of your bed, get yourself washed, dress as smartly as you can, pray and ask God to help you and go and find that job. That job is waiting for you. It might not be the job that you want but there is a job, even if it means sweeping the streets. You see, a hard-working man is never despised, and by the way, don’t despise people who are poor. Poor people are not necessarily lazy people, they are simply people who can’t find work 

You know, a stitch in time saves nine. When that shirt gets a small rip in it, sew it up and I tell you what - that shirt will last for years. I want to say to you, there is no excuse for going to work with dirty boots or dirty shoes. Shine them up for Jesus. People notice those things and those are the things that will warm people to you. 

Get up, get ready and go and find that job. It is waiting for you. I want to pray for you today.

I really pray that that man will go and find that job today. It will earn respect for him from his wife, his children and his fellow man. Lord, that he will humble himself, that he will take whatever work comes his way and I know Lord, that You will promote him when you see that he is a hard-working man. 

I ask this in Jesus’ precious Name.

Now, go out there, get yourself cleaned up, and go and find that job and God will give it to you.

Have a wonderful day, an exciting day as you go out and see what God has got prepared for you!
Jesus bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan