Working Together For Good

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Wednesday morning, the 14th of June, 2023 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
Romans 8:28

That is out of the New King James Version. I want to say to you today that maybe you are going through a rough time and you say, “Lord, how can You allow this to happen to me? I am one of your children.” All things work together - not only the good things, the good, the bad and the ugly as they say, because at the end of the day, the Lord comes through for us every time. 

Remember George Müller? The German man who got saved in England and then built the Bristol Children’s Homes where he looked after thousands of children. He asked for no money and God supplied every one of his needs. He said and I quote, “In a thousand trials, it is not just five hundred of them that work for the good of the believer but nine hundred and ninety-nine plus one.” Okay, coming from a man who went through a lot of trials, God pulled him through every single time. You need to press on because the Lord says that all things that you are going through work together for the good of those who are called by God.  

One of my heroes is Dr David Livingstone. He was one of the men who were instrumental in abolishing the horrific slave trade in Africa in the 1800s. Do you know that that man walked from Cape Town, right into Central Africa, and then walked from there to the West Coast of Africa to the Atlantic Ocean? Now, I have driven in a big twenty-ton Mercedes Benz most of that way and I want to tell you that it is thousands of kilometres that that man walked. He went through hardship, he went through bouts of Malaria, and he hurt himself many times through that bush that was unchartered. When he eventually got to Luanda at the coast, a very kind captain of a ship said, “I am going back to Britain. I will give you a free passage back to Britain.” Livingstone was so grateful. He had all his manuscripts with him and he was excited, but do you know what happened? He went down with terrible malaria, and he was bedridden. Eventually, the ship had to leave without him. He was devastated. I can imagine him saying, “ Lord, why have You forsaken me?” But do you know what happened? He got a report a few weeks later that that ship got into a storm and sunk and everybody on that ship was drowned. Needless to say, Dr Livingstone recovered from his malaria and he eventually got back to the UK to report what was happening. 

Don’t be disappointed if things are going rough for you at the moment. You don’t know how God is protecting you for the future.

Jesus bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan