
Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.
— Proverbs 31:30

I just want to take this opportunity to wish all mothers a very happy Mother's day. Mothers are the heart of the home.

Yes, the father might be the head of the home but the mother is undisputedly the heart of the home. You know, just like when I drive onto a farm I can tell you what that farmer is like in no time at all, so too when I am invited to a home, I can tell you what kind of mother lives there. She doesn’t have to be wealthy - It doesn’t have to be a fancy home but if that home is clean, warm, cosy, full of love, the children happy and dad well-cared for, that makes for a godly home.

Mothers, you have a huge responsibility, not only in the home but in society - And indeed, in the very nation itself. I have noticed that men are always drawn towards their mothers and women towards dad.

My children will tell you that when they were young and they wanted something from dad and they knew they wouldn’t get it, they would go and ask mom to ask dad... and they always got it.

John Wesley always said it was his mother who influenced him more than all the great theologians of that time. Jesus’ earthly mother never once abandoned him, right to the very end. All the disciples ran away but Mary - never! I want to say to all the people out there, make a fuss of your mom today. She is worth it - I would give a million rand to have a cup of tea with my mother today!

I will have to wait until I see her in Heaven. Mothers are very, very special and we thank God for them!

God bless you and have a wonderful Sunday as you spoil your mom.

Angus Buchan