A Quiet Place
A place of peace and quiet where the people of Israel might worship their God. You know, I went to Ethiopia with Jill a few years back and we went to see an amazing series of churches. They were built by a king called Lalibela in Ethiopia. They are built of stone and he built them from the top downwards, solid blocks of stone. A king who loved God and he wanted his people to have a safe place for them to worship Him, Jesus.
Solomon knew that God could not be housed in a building.
“But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You. How much less this temple which I have built!”
1 Kings 8:27
But He wanted a place where His people could worship Him and His presence could be felt by His people.
In Russia, folks have a little building at the bottom of their garden called a poustinia - It is where they go and have their quiet time with the Lord. I also have a quiet time room on the farm where no one can contact me, apart from Jill and my immediate family. You might say: “I don’t have such a luxury.” Maybe you are always on the move - Maybe you are a truck driver or an airline pilot and you just don’t have that place where you can be quiet before the Lord.
Well, before the lockdown arrived in this country, I would fly very extensively all over the world, my second home was an aeroplane. I believe the Holy Spirit showed me that I could have a temple in my mind... A quiet place where I could get away from the noise and the interruptions of this world and speak and worship God. I am not talking about positive thinking, I am talking about the Kingdom of God which is within you - That is what Jesus said in Luke Chapter 17:21.
I will describe it to you. In Zambia, Central Africa there is a place where they buried David Livingstone’s heart, under a tree, when he died and it is the most peaceful place. You walk down a little path and go into a wetland. Huge reeds are blowing gently on both sides of the path, massive indigenous trees flanking the wetland and on the edge of that wetland, there are birds - beautiful African doves singing in the trees. It is so special... That is the place where I sit in a busy airport departure lounge. I just close off for a moment and I just have a quiet time with God and it just refreshes me.
Try it today - Have that quiet time with the Master and He will be there to meet you.
God bless you.