Walk The Talk

…walk worthy of the calling with which you were called…
— Ephesians 4:1

The Lord is asking us today to walk the talk - Don’t tell people that you love them, show people that you love them by what you do. Remember, actions speak much louder than words. Faith is a doing word, it is not just talking.

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves."
James 1:22

We are Jesus' ambassadors here on earth and we need to show people gentleness and humility. We need to keep the unity of the Spirit, in peace.

I remember a story I heard a long time ago about a lone missionary. This man went out with a group of other missionaries on a sailing boat to the South Sea Islands to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the cannibals.

The ship sank and everybody drowned except one missionary, he managed to make it to an island. When the islanders found him they took him in but they gave him one condition... They said: “We do not want to hear you speak about this God of yours. You can stay with us but we don’t want to hear any words spoken about your God.”

This man had to obey them obviously and he lived there among them and he lived a godly life. Eventually, he grew old and died and they buried him on the island. Many years later another group of missionaries came on a sailing boat to the same island to preach the gospel. When they landed on the island they gathered all the islanders together. They sat them down and they started to tell them the salvation story of Jesus Christ. When they had finished, the missionaries were quite surprised because these islanders didn’t look like they were caught in any way by surprise. They showed no change at all and it almost appeared that they had heard this story before. And they said to the islanders, “Have you heard the salvation story before?”

And they said, "No, never."
"But you don’t seem that this is new to you.” They said
"It is not new to us."
The missionary said, "Why?"
"Because He used to live here amongst us."

They took the missionaries to the other side of the island and there was a little grave. They said, "The man you are talking about used to live here with us." That missionary, he lived the life - he walked the talk. You and I today need to walk worthy of our calling. Go out today and bless somebody.

Give some lonely person a phone call, maybe buy a meal for someone who is hungry. Maybe give somebody a gift, not for anything in return, just because Jesus told us to.

God bless you.

Angus Buchan