God will not fail you my dear friend, trust Him today and keep standing on the Word that He has promised you.
Read MoreWe’ve got to ask God to give us more faith to believe in His Holy Word. To believe, by faith, that all things, all things are possible to those who trust in Him….
Read MoreWhen they asked Billy Graham if he had any regrets, he said he had very few. But one thing he said, if he lived this life again, he would speak less and he would pray more. Interesting coming from the world’s greatest modern-day evangelist…
Read MoreIn Psalm 128, such a beautiful Psalm, and such a practical Psalm, we see the recipe for a happy family…
Read MoreJerusalem is a very famous city, it’s actually called the City of God. I really believe that the Lord not only wants us to pray for the actual physical city, but more importantly, for the spiritual aspect of the people of Israel and indeed the people of God...
Read MoreToday I want to really speak to you about the importance of getting into the Bible. It is the only thing that will help us to discern the difference between sheep and wolves…
Read MoreWhat season are you going through at the moment? Is it maybe a dark season? Are you fearful of the future, not sure what it holds for you? Well, be of good courage, if you are in Christ Jesus you have nothing to fear…
Read MoreThis is the season of kindness. Be kind to one another, prefer one another, love one another, protect one another and most of all be there for one another.
Read MoreI have experienced in my own walk with the Lord, over these last 40+ years, the sweetest memories I have, are the ones when I have gone through the most extreme testings. The reason for that, is that is the time that I’ve always felt that the Lord Jesus Christ is the nearest to me.
Read MorePeople are in such confusion and in such a state of chaos at the moment, like never ever before. You and I have the answer, and His name is Jesus Christ…
Read MoreWe need to put others before ourselves. We need to see the pain and the need that others have and deny ourselves and take up our crosses and follow Him. In that way, we will be effective witnesses and ambassadors for the Lord Jesus Christ…
Read More…as Christians, we must not get disheartened, we must not give up, we must not feel that we’ll never make it, because we’ve blown it again…
Read MoreJesus went back to be with His Father so that He could send the Holy Spirit, and one of the titles of the Holy Spirit is Helper. He is there to help you and I to carry on living day by day…
Read MoreMy son, who is a cattleman and does most of his work on horseback, said to me the other day that he heard an old cowboy saying which goes like this: “the fastest way to move a herd of cattle is slowly.”
Read MoreIt’s not by chance or by luck that someone who is a follower of Jesus Christ succeeds, whether it be in business, whether it be in their family, whether it even be in sport…
Read MoreC.H. Spurgeon says that even when the going becomes extremely hard and tough, we need to keep on planting, sowing good seed, even if we are weeping….
Read MoreJesus does not want us to crawl over the finish line when we get to heaven, He wants us to sprint through the finish line…
Read MoreMany of us are fighting the fight of our lives, and this is in many different areas. It is like we have been knocked down for fourteen rounds and we are now in round fifteen, the last one. Well, I have good news for you.
Read MoreUnfortunately, in today’s society, there are not too many faithful people walking around. But we thank God for the Lord Jesus Christ who is faithful and true.
Read MoreI remember many years ago, we did a big painting that I used to take with me when I was preaching. It was a picture of a Sentry guarding a walled city, he was at his post but he was sound asleep. We need to blow the trumpet; we need to warn the people and we need to trust God to revive the church.
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